Aysun & Taylan
Aysun had always dreams of having a photoshoot in Cappadocia, Turkey. She loved how the balloons looked at sunrise. After a few months of planning we were ready to undertake such a challenging shoot. The balloons only fly for 1-2 hours every morning and if the weather is too windy they don’t fly at all.
We tried to pick a date where we wouldn’t run into any flight issues. Yet our first day was full of drama. We were at the flight location at 6am, but none of the balloons were inflated. The main operator kept saying “today is a no-fly”. “No-fly? was repeated in our car endlessly.” We were only there for 3 days.
We couldn’t have a shoot in Cappadocia without balloons. That was the whole reason we were here. After changing around our filming plans we shot the wild horses on the first day instead.
Driving for two hours to find them between the mountains. It was a long shoot on the first day and every one was tired. The next day the balloons didn’t fly either due to the weather.
We were set to fly back early the third day and wouldn’t be able to film with them. Yet that morning when I saw tiny glowing lights in the dark mountains I knew we had 1 hour before we had to leave, so I grabbed our team, the couple and we got the amazing shots of the balloons we so wanted!
“I love it soo much. It’s soo much better than I imagined. I was so tired but, it was soo worth it!”